Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hello World.

Hi everyone! My name is Liv and welcome to my blog :)
I hate to start out like this, but that title up there in the URL might be a little teensy bit deceiving. I'm not that bubbly girl who always acts like she's on 10 Red Bulls, or that one girl whose life is all on social media, or that other girl who has some amazing talent and has gone to the White House 3 times, played at Carnegie Hall, and is internationally recognized as a child prodigy. Nope, I hate to break it to you, but I really am not that interesting. Or fabulous.

Just to break the ice over the internet, here are a few things about me:
  • I really don't like loud noises. No balloons (please please please never pop in front of my face I beg you), fireworks, or other loud noises that happen to suddenly erupt into the air and scare the life out of me. 
  • I also don't like hairy, crawling, sort-of-small insects or arachnids with multiple legs and eyes. 
  • I am your normal human being, sitting in front of a computer screen writing this for you. (as if you couldn't figure that out yourself)
  • I am not tall at all... And I only seem shorter because one of my best friends is the tallest in the class.
  • I am writing this for a Computers and English grade, and I am kind of obsessed about keeping my grades up (sorry). So, I decided to put some effort into this and actually blog like a very un-professional blogger. Which brings me to my next point...
  • I enjoy a LOT of things that I will (hopefully) blog about. I'll blog about food, travel, music, reading (I really have to catch up on that), dance, and tons of other things that I like. 
  • I am very good at cuddling :) (and so is katt.)
       ^ I did not write the first part fyi...
Thanks for reading this first post guys! I know it took like a whole 60 seconds of your very, busy life. If you have even more time, post a comment about what you would like to read about! Thanks ;)

Goodbye world!


  1. Hey Liv! I really like the background you chose. I can't wait to see what your posts will be about since you said that you like a variety of things and will write about all of them. I am really looking forward to your next post and can't wait to see what you'll right about. And don't worry, my life isn't very busy or anything, so the 60 seconds was 60 seconds of information about you and your blog.

  2. Hi Liv, I love the fishies on the top of your blog. It is an adorable addition! I am excited about reading your daily adventures. And I also have a friend who hates to hear me pop plastic bags. I wonder who it is................

    1. Really Carmen? I have a friend who is scared of loud noises too! She is deathly afraid of them(loud noises I mean). And another friend of mine loves to pop plastic bags. It's a small world...don't you think? ;)

  3. I will do my best to avoid balloons in your presence! I do appreciate how you shared some interesting details. I think you are too modest though. You really do have some exceptional talents. Maybe you can tell us more about them?

  4. Hi Liv! I'm excited to read about your life. Although you say it's not that interesting, I'm pretty sure you don't give yourself enough credit. Oh, and I don't like crawly insects either.
